Communication Training | Communication | Integrity Solutions Centre

Integrity Communication®

A Communication and Development training program offered either in-person or virtual across New Zealand, Australia and Asia Pacific.

Improve customer service and lower costs with better communication skills. Consistent, clear, and efficient communication is vital for success in customer-facing teams and internal operations. However, not everyone has the required interpersonal skills, which is why Integrity Communication® offers a comprehensive training program. Poor communication can lead to time loss, internal disputes, project failure, decreased revenue, and more. Invest in your team’s communication skills now to avoid these costs. Our tailored training programs can help your team communicate effectively in both in-person and virtual interactions. Start benefiting from clearer, more efficient, and impactful communication today.

Impacts on Your Organisation




Trust & Transparency


Job Satisfaction


Employee Collaboration

What Your Team
Will Learn:

Collaborate effectively with a broad coalition of stakeholders using proven strategies
Build trust and rapport to ensure associates are open to suggestions and feedback
Recognise and adapt to different communication preferences and behavioural styles with effective techniques
Identify and fill needs by using strategic questioning methods
Expand influence and gain agreement using key skills
Framework to understand and work through complex problems

Striking the Balance

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Striking the balance

Stop wasting your money and your customer’s time. Companies with highly effective internal communication strategies
are 3.5x more likely to outperform their industry peers.

Comprehensive research suggests four common traits of highly successful people. By improving the 4 key traits of communication, we are able to train teams on how to effectively communicate with their customers and each other.

Communication effectiveness requires more than basic interpersonal skills and organisational knowledge to influence others to take action.

What Makes Integrity Communication so Valuable?

integrity solutions centre new zealand
  • 1
    A progressive framework for having a positive, productive dialogue
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    Highly interactive course dynamics
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    Values-driven dialogue to gain trust and achieve respected outcomes
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    Content may be customised to align with cultural norms
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    8-week Sustainment and Accountability Plus Optional Monthly Performance Accelerator Modules.
  • 6
    Participants on our communication coaching course will learn the importance of providing value in every interaction

Client Success

A few examples of the impact Integrity Communications® delivers for our clients

78 % of employees believe improving communication and engagement should be a priority to leadership.

of employees said company-wide training needs to be implemented to build effective communications skills.

60 %

$ 62.4m is lost due to poor communication at work every year.

Integrity solutions centre new zealand