
Agriculture Sales Training

From small family farms to multinational food producers, agribusinesses of all types and sizes are facing unique challenges. Increasing pressure from global competition, climate change induced strains on land and crops, rapidly shifting prices, agribusinesses are continually adapting. And since many of the products are, by nature, commodities, success depends not only on new technologies and ways of operating but new ways of selling, too. This requires a different approach to agriculture sales training.


Do your teams fully understand the value expectations of your customers? Or are they stuck in a purely transactional, order-taking and reactive relationship with them?

Leading agribusiness industry companies we work withstand out for exceptional customer loyalty and growth. They develop sales and service teams that consistently rate high in two areas: developing deeper, trust-based relationships by intentionally listening and responding to customer needs and being able to communicate the unique value proposition of their products and services vs. competitors.

One of the hallmarks of these customer-focused organisations is high employee engagement, which refers to the passion, commitment and discretionary effort your people bring to the job every day. In the agriculture industry, employee engagement is what drives great sales and customer service teams. Deeply engaged employees will bring more of themselves to their work, expend more discretionary effort and simply show up better.


We have worked with leaders in agribusiness in the U.S. and Canada for well over 25 years to understand their business and successfully deploy comprehensive agriculture sales training, coaching and customer service training solutions for all levels, from sales leaders to field sales reps and customer service teams.

By building both the skillset and mindset to develop trust, credibility and rapport, your teams will be able to gain a deeper understanding of the unique goals of your customers. As a result, they’ll be able to create more value and increase customer loyalty and sales per customer.

Some of the ways we lift performance for clients in the agribusiness industry include:

  • Installing a common sales language.
  • Equipping salespeople with tools and mindset to:
    • have deeper conversations with customers and ask better questions.
    • be more proactive with customers.
    • achieve growth goals.
    • obtain new customers.
  • Increasing the number of products-per-customer.
  • Elevating employee engagement and increase retention.
  • Providing a framework for accountability through ongoing coaching.